Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong condition caused by a lack or insufficiency of insulin.
Insulin is a hormone substance of vital importance that is made by your pancreas that allows sugar (glucose) into your body's cells.
In diabetes, the pancreas makes too little insulin to enable all the sugar in your blood to get into your cells to produce energy. If sugar can't get into the cells to be used, it gets too high causing diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus - This condition was formally known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
It is when the body's own immune system doesn't produce any or very little insulin.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus - This condition is formally known as non-insulin dependent diabetes and usually develops in adulthood although in recent years the incidence in children has increased.
It is where your body becomes resistant to insulin and is unable to use it.
Gestational diabetes - Starts or is first recognised in pregnancy, in a previously non-diabetic woman. It usually becomes apparent during the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy. In many cases the blood glucose level returns to normal after delivery.
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete Diabetes fast-track questionnaire.
Please note an independent medical exam and blood test will be required on all applications
The total number of people living with diabetes in Ireland is estimated to be 225,840.
Up to 5 Children and Teenagers are diagnosed each week with Type 1 diabetes in Ireland.
Type 2 diabetes - you have a 4 -5 time's greater risk of developing serious problems with your circulation that can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.
Source: www.diabetes.ie
Likely Underwriting Acceptance:
Life Cover
A number of factors are used by underwriting in determining terms for an applicant with diabetes.
These include:
- Current age
- Age at/years since diagnosis
- Control of the condition.
- Present of any complications
- Present of any additional risk factors for macrovascular disease including - hypertension, raised cholesterol, obesity, smoking, family history of cardiovascular disease
- Type of Diabetes
Terms can range from 75% to 350% depending on the various factors above. However, where control is poor or many risks are present, it is unlikely we will be able to offer any terms.
Below is a table which gives an indication only of underwriting outcomes for diabetes disclosures for life cover only
Age at application | Risk factors | Number of years Diagnosed | Type 1 diabetes | Type 2 diabetes | Gestational Diabetes* |
*with a normal post-partum glucose test
In certain cases Specified illness and Bill cover may be available please contact underwriting to discuss these cases.
Contact Underwriting at underwriting.help@irishlife.ie or call 01 704 1888.
Terms will not be available for Income Protection Cover.
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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