A cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormality in the connection between arteries and veins in the brain that interrupts normal blood flow between them. An AVM is characterised by tangles of abnormal and enlarged blood vessels. In serious cases, the blood vessels rupture.
An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal passageway between an artery and a vein. Normally blood flows from arteries into capillaries and back to the heart in veins. When an arteriovenous fistula is present, blood flows directly from an artery into a vein, bypassing the capillaries. If the volume of blood flow diverted is large, tissues down stream receive less blood supply. Also, there is a risk of heart failure due to the increased volume of blood returned to the heart.
Treatment is generally with a craniotomy i.e. a surgical operation in which part of the skull is removed in order to access the brain. Endovascular treatment uses the natural access to the brain through the bloodstream via the arteries using catheters, balloons and stents.
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete General medical disclosure fast-track questionnaire.
Likely acceptance terms
Life cover
Terms will depend on the type of treatment, when treated and the presence of any neurological complications. Please contact underwriting for further details.
Specified illness cover, income protector
Cover will be declined.
Hospital cash cover, accident cover
Cover will be declined.
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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