Deafness is the complete or partial loss of the ability to hear. Loss of hearing may be total or partial and unilateral - affecting one ear, or bilateral - affecting both. Causes include injury or disease of the part of the brain cortex controlling the centre for hearing, disease of the middle ear, injury from loud noises or congenital defects i.e. present since birth.
Nerve deafness occurs where the sound impulses reach but cannot activate the damaged sensory cells of the inner ear or acoustic nerve. This can be congenital i.e. present since birth, due to trauma, vascular disorders or age related.
Conduction deafness occurs from any condition which prevents sound waves from being transmitted to auditory receptors e.g. obstruction by wax or middle ear inflammation.
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete Ear disorders fast-track questionnaire.
It is estimated that 8% of Irish adults have a significant disabling hearing loss.
Likely Acceptance:
Life Cover | Specified Illness Cover | Income Protection | |
Accident / Congenital -Unilateral |
Accident / Congenital -Bilateral |
Medical Related - No underlying disease |
Standard Rates
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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