A head injury is a result of a trauma to the brain which causes transient or chronic disturbance in brain function. A head injury can be minor i.e. without loss of consciousness or very brief unconsciousness and return to normal life, with no loss of capacity. Severe head injuries involved prolonged loss of consciousness or complications such as a compound skull fracture, which can cause the skull to depress, with possible damage to brain tissue; intracranial haemorrhage or contusion. Complications include loss of memory, paralysis, deafness, blindness, epileptic fits, personality changes.
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete the Accidental injuries fast-track questionnaire .
Likely acceptance terms
Life cover, specified illness cover
Normal rates if minor concussion, and full recovery with no residual problems; otherwise refer to underwriting.
Income protection
Normal rates* if minor concussion, and full recovery with no residual problems; otherwise refer to underwriting.
Hospital cash cover, accident cover, contribution cover
Normal rates if minor concussion, and full recovery with no residual problems; otherwise refer to underwriting.
*An initial postponement period may apply depending on severity of head injury
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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