Blindness is the loss of normal or correctable vision. It can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired. It can be partial, with loss of only part of the vision. Blindness can also be complete, in which case there is no perception of light.
Vision can be affected by an eye injury or disease. Some diseases can be confined to the eye, such as cataracts, while others can be part of a wider disease, such as optic neuritis. Blindness can also occur as a complication of diabetes. Factors such as an individual's occupation, personal circumstances and adjustment to the condition are important considerations in the underwriting process.
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete the Eye disorders fast-track questionnaire
Likely acceptance terms
Life cover
Where no underlying disease exists, then normal rates; otherwise, refer to underwriting.
Specified illness cover, income protection, hospital cash cover, accident cover, contribution cover
Where no underlying disease exists,then normal rates with blindness exclusion; otherwise refer to underwriting.
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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