Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the brain and spinal cord. This means it is due to an attack by the body’s own immune system. It results in a progressive deterioration of various functions controlled by the nervous system including vision, speech and movement. The nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged or destroyed making them less efficient. MS is usually characterised by a slow progression of symptoms.
Mild - Stable with no or minimal disability, slight weakness or gait disturbance
Moderate - Moderate disability but may still be self-sufficient and socially active
Severe - Requires assisted ambulation or may be restricted to a wheelchair
What information should my client provide?
Your customer should complete the General medical disclosure fast-track questionnaire
An estimated 6,000 people in Ireland have MS. Women are nearly twice as likely to get MS as men.
Most people start developing symptoms between age 20 – 40.
Life | Specified Illness Cover | Income Protection | Bill Cover | |
Mild / Moderate |
Severe |
* Where the condition is Progressive or Relapsing / Remitting a higher loading will apply
Please note that likely acceptance terms are indicative only and cases are subject to full underwriting.
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